Monday, September 11, 2006

Returning soon

Ok folks I have not died or anything. I just bought my first house with the hubby in June and still haven't gotten internet. Please don't forget about me. I know it has been awhile since I blogged but life has gone crazy. I will try to find a way to get on the internet more often. But here is a quick re-cap.

I bought a three bedroom two bath house. It isn't much to look at but the potential is endless.
The hubby and I have hired a lawyer to get custody of our step daughter ( I will explain the whole situation later when the case has been resolved. What can I say I want to leave my blog open to the public but at the same time I don't want to tip my hand to anyone who may be reading it)
I got accepted into UT. And will be returning to college this spring. YAY it is long over due.
Met a friend finaly in this town
Oh yeah and I got really angry at the gay community for going crazy and fighting against me in court. (Once again more on that later)

Well, folks there you have it my life during my break from blogging. If you are still reading awesome. If not I will drop you a line soon!