Thursday, February 23, 2006

By request

Ok folks here are two of the poems that I have written. Now please be nice I have never claimed to be a Shakespeare, but I like both of these a lot and I hope you do too. They give you a little peek into my world. So enjoy!

Soapbox Kinda Girl

Forty fire trucks do racing by
They’re off to catch the falling sky
And men with calluses and worn out shoes
Are quickly sent to catch the moon
And all the stars will soon burn out
I just sit calmly watching this all from the ground
You refused to listen to my epiphany as it was told
All of you said that I was just a soapbox kinda girl
Now you want answers and the truth
I just watch all of you and remain mute
Women begin to cry and children begin to scream
I break down, take a deep breath and tell you what I’ve seen
Relax people the falling sky will soon stop
And the men that caught the moon will be ordered to put it back up
There will be a few starts to strong to forget how to shine
And you can forget who helped you in a matter of time
You’ll never have to admit that you need this soapbox kinda girlYou can just go back to your harsh words and cruel tongue even after a destroyed world

Pretty Pink Tears

One day when I quit lying and fooling myself
I will become a real girl
There will be no more wishing upon a star
Only to see it burn out a million light years away
Their dancing puppet strings connected to me tickle
I giggle
And swat them away with my penance whip

Getting tired now

Then I will hear them say
Dance child everyone loves you when you dance
Tie a pink ribbon in your hair
Tighten the screws
Real girls cry
Why don’t you cry?
I would like to see you cry

Broken yet?

I know what has to be done
It’s always done the same way
Super glue the pieces with Prozac
Paint a smile with a fine tip brush
I won’t forget to rosy my cheeks

I am a dancing puppet on a stage made of clay
Quickly dissolving under the tears
Finally the tears

There are no more real girls
Only the fools still playing the part

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

An unforgettable memorial

Last Friday night was Bryen's memorial services. Earlier in the week his roommate and I discussed the need to do something because we were both so disappointed about not being able to attend the funeral. We decided that rather then have a room full of crying weeping people we would send Bryen off with a party. I can honestly say that this was a bitter sweet party full of tears, beers, laughter, and stories that should have never been told.
Bryen's death did the impossible. He bought employees and managers under one roof to celebrate a life and to mourn a death. Well, I cried everyone cried and I think Bryen realized how much people were hurting over losing him, so I will not dwell on the sadness instead I will make Bryen proud and dwell on the insanity.
I walked into the party and the first thing I heard was "There's my Shiela, I need my Shiela." James was crying out to me. James is a sweet guy. He is about 300 pounds, but I swear most of it is heart. He is a kind faggot who like most faggots has adopted me as his sister. I am "his Shiela" Seeing a faggot in distress I run over to him and ask him to talk. He begins the discussion by showing me the entire wine bottle that he has some how managed to down in 20 minutes. He is shit faced and distraught over losing another gay brother. I console him with words of comfort and make him laugh. His depression quickly changes into queasiness and I send him into the bathroom to puke. This is where James passed out until I drove him home that night because he was obviously in no shape to drive and his other ride left him.
Next as I am walking across the room about to go downstairs and see the place that Bryen had hung himself my manager Paul corners me. He tells me that this tragedy has shown him a great light in me that he never knew was there before. He says that he was grateful for all of my love of "his people" and that he was glad to see that light. I excused myself to go down stairs and deliver the flowers I brought for Bryen, and to also give him a stern but loving goodbye.
Ashley met me at the door to the basement because she said that I shouldn't go down there alone. I was grateful for that because I had something that I felt I need to confess to Bryen's bestfriend. I told her that when I first met Bryen I didn't like him. I expected her to say something like "why he was such a great guy" But instead she said "Don't feel bad when I first met Bryen I didn't like him either" Those words that she gave me helped me put my mind to ease. Some one else understood what it meant to have to work to remove Bryen's mask. I said goodbye to Bryen kissed the rafter that he hung from and joined the party.
While I was away it is important that you know two facts: first my manager Paul drank a whole lot more, second some "loving" Christians felt it was appropriate to tell Rachel Bryen's roommate that he was in hell. Ok got that? And Begin Scene:
Danielle this cool ass lesbian was beating this Christians ass. I mean not in a cat fight kind of way, but in a dike in the jail house courtyard kind of way. Me being the only sober one had to break up the fight. To be honest I didn't jump in right away because I felt that the Christian was getting what she deserved for going to someone's memorial and announcing that they were in hell. But when Danielle went after her with a beer bottle I had to stop it. As I am attempting to break up this battle Paul decides that it is time to announce in front of everyone there that he and Bryen had been having a love affair. This bomb got the Christian out of the hot seat and she slinked away to go home. When I heard this news my draw dropped. I knew that I had to do damage control because if this bit of info got out Paul would lose his job. I got Paul into the kitchen and told him to stay put. Then I found out who heard this confession and convinced them that Bryen's memorial was just like Vegas what happens there stays there. Luckily everyone agreed. But while I was away sugar coating a glorious bit of gossip that Bryen was probably laughing and pissing his pants when he saw Paul was in the kitchen drinking more and asking the other faggot employee's if he could put his hand in their pocket. There was no takers except Nate who let him do it and this is how I found Paul and Nate. At this point everyone started fleeing. James's ride left him and quickly it was just Paul, Nate (whose ride left him as well), Rachel, her boyfriend, and myself. I knew that I had to give both Nate and James a ride home so I decided that it was time for us to leave as well. As we are gathering our things Paul hugs me in a fag death grip and tell me that he knew that upset me about the whole Bryen going to hell thing and I started to cry again. Then Paul comforted me by reminding me that I knew all along in my heart that it wasn't true. That I always knew that God made gays and would not sentence them to hell. It worked I had a moment of clarity. My heart was shaken but it would not lie and I knew that Bryen was in heaven or something like that. But then I had my epiphany Bryen was going to be "punished" for committing suicide but his punishment was to watch over every single person that cried even a single tear for him. He now has a full time job protecting us. Paul agreed that I had it right then Paul went insane. When he spoke next he didn't come from left field he came from outerspace. He then proceeds to tell me that he knows God loves him because he has had sex with a priest on the alter of his church numerous times. Now he got pretty graphic and I got scared hearing about a holy penis, but his death grip was to tight I couldn't get away. I had to hear the entire uncomfortable story. After he was done I quickly ran out the door.
Now I know you are thinking that this is all a lie. But I promise you it is true. The Christian and the lesbian still wont speak to one another, Paul wont look me in the eyes, and Bryen is watching over me right now and laughing at his very shady, very weird Bryen-ish memorial.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The candles were blown out to quickly

My very first blog I introduced a young man the I named the Shady Faggot. And originally I thought he was a foe. Well as time went on I learned that he was not a foe but a wayward spirit. His real name was Bryen Chaze, and he was a good guy. But last night as I was blowing out the candles and making the wish that my 24th year would be one with out turmoil and grief Bryen was hanging himself from the rafter in his basement. Last night Bryen said goodbye to this world and if you will allow me I want to try to sort out the emotions.
I write this with tears running down my face. Just yesterday Bryen called to wish me happy birthday. I was silly excited about this because he was the only friend to remember my birthday. He said "Well, I am going into the barrel to get my check now, but I wanted to say happy birthday and let you know that I hope your day is fun. I will see you tomorrow at work and I will give you your birthday gift then." I was so happy that he remembered my birthday and that he had actually thought to get me a gift. As we said goodbye I never thought for a million years that I would wake up and hear the news that I did.
The story is still foggy and I am not sure that I will ever know the whole truth, but I do know that he had a fight with the love of his life Todd. And as Todd was out whoring around with some guy named Justin, Bryen kept calling and pleaing for Todd to talk to him. The final message Bryen left Todd told Todd of Bryen's plans to end his life. Todd didn't bother to call back or call anyone else to help him. Todd is a killer. His apathy killed Bryen. He is also the most cruel person I have ever heard of. As I was at work crying on and off Todd was at Bryen's house pillaging and taking everything that wasn't nailed down. Bryen's room mate was in shock and could not muster up the strength to stop Todd. Bryen's room mate came into the barrel to tell me this at which time she looks me in the eyes and says "Bryen loved you and he said he wished you all had become friends sooner." I lost it and ran crying into the back.
At this moment I am sad. I keep thinking that maybe it isn't real. That maybe when I wake up in the morning I will find out that this is all just a really bad joke. But unfortunately I know that the truth is Bryen is gone. And while there is many to blame it is to late to do anything about them. This boy had a hard 22 years. His family disowned him and made it clear that they did not love him. His love made it clear that he did not love him. And I didn't have enough time to make it clear that I did love him.
I am also mad at Bryen. All he had to do is pick up the phone and I would have been there. He was not alone in this world and he didn't even give me the chance to save him. My heart is broken because another young, talented, gay man is dead over the typical gay tragedy.
I hope now that where ever he is he is happy and that he knows that he was loved. I hope he is smiling and looking on from heaven with some really hot guy. Because the boy deserves it. After 22 years of pain I hope now he is free. I feel blessed and cursed all at the same time. Blessed that I got to know the real Bryen before he passed on and cursed because I have to feel the pain of losing him. But I am truly glad that I knew him and made him happy, even for just awhile. Bryen Chaze was a character and I know that my life was a bit richer because of him.

Goodbye Bryen, I wont see you tomorrow, but I will see you again.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

And thus begins my 24th year

I am so glad that 23 is over! It is a year of turmoil, but also a year to learn and grow. I made it out alive, stronger, and hopefully wiser. I have a secret to share now. When I was young and certain that my life had to be on schedule I swore that my first child would be born when I was 24. Now that I have officially been this old for a day I have decide that the young me was insane. I want this year to be about me. I don't want to raise another human being I want to raise myself and probably some others like Marty, Clementine, Crow, and Shady Faggot. I want to spend this year getting to know myself and having fun. I NEED to have fun this year. I want memories and joys. I want to try at least three new things this year, and yes these three things are open for suggestions.
I have also made this the year of simplistic gratitude. I am going to attempt to be grateful for what I have and forget about the Jones. Wish me luck! I want to simplify my life and get rid of all the negative energy that I have following me. I want to make sure that everyone in my life knows that I love them and let them know that love is all I want in return. So now a new chapter in my life is going to emerge. And even if it takes me off schedule I am not scared, because lets be honest folks I throw out that schedule a while ago.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Silently Screaming

I have been really depressed as of late. I acknowledge that so I guess some progress has been made in my life. You see I have been debating from within all these things that I want to say, but I am to afraid to say. What are you supposed to do when someone you love is going down the wrong path? If you sit quietly by they may become lost forever and if you speak up you may push them away forever. I guess the only thing you can hope for is that your relationship is strong enough to with stand the turmoil. So Clementine here goes nothing.
I love you. You are my brother but as of late I have become saddened by your actions. You hang out with people that wish you nothing but harm. They are plagued with their own selfish reasons. You say that they are "good people" but you don't even buy the lie you are attempting to sell me, I can tell it from your voice. You have gone a destructive path, and this pains me. No, I can't tell you how to live your life, but I plead for mercy. Please stop. Please come back from the darkness. You have to know that you are not alone in this world and if there is anything I can do I will do it. I need you and I am so afraid of you damaging your body further or going to jail. I know that by now you have it figured out that you aren't just living your life for yourself, Every decision affects me too. So Louis ignore that voice in your head and hear me when I say it is never to late to turn around and take another path.

I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again I would understand
"Jumper" Third eye blind

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

God?? Will you pick up the phone?

Now before you pull out your shot guns and attempt to blow me away I want to make it known that I don't hate Christ. And well him dying for me I have no problem with either. What I have a problem with is the strictly Sunday Christians. You all know who you are. You are the people that are rude, obnoxious, and drive the speed limit in the far left lane forcing all those behind you to read your "rapture is coming" bumpersticker over and over. Monday through Saturday you treat humanity as if it were your toilet paper then you rise early on Sunday go and say a Amen or two and you are absolved of your sins. Really?? You buy that?? Well, guess what I have a bridge you can buy cheap too.
See the problem with the modern Christian is they have forgotten the whole love thy neighbor bit and focus entirely to much on the a man should not lie down with a man as he lays down with a woman. Which to me is not God being anti gay it is actually God being pro doggy style. Which I think we all no is the number one way a gay couple has sex, while us straightys tend to rely on missionary. So in theory God was just giving gays a clue there, that if they want to have sex they can't do it the same way they would do with a woman.
I recently was speaking with Clementine about the Christian God and how I wish he was the old testament God as opposed to the "new" one. You see old God left nothing up to faith. He made damn sure you knew he was there and that you were doing what he wanted. Old testament God needed no interpretation. No one would argue about what he meant when he said... Why? Because he was a proactive god. If you were attempting to build the tower of Babylon he would send a flock of geese to chew off your balls. In the old testament God would send down fire from the heavens for every minor infractions, like say the Rollingstones refusal to retire. He was micro managing and kicking ass. Then his son decided that it all seemed a little cruel and that maybe his Dad could forgive so he climbed on a cross and forgave his executioners for killing him. Then arose from the dead. Well, you all know the story. Now God is on some sort of long sabbatical and everything here on earth is going to hell. I know he is going to hate to come home and check his answering machine and attempt to answer all the prayers he missed while sipping a sex on the beach by the ocean in Eden. I know I have thrown a couple up to the heavens only to be ignored. Haven't we all?
You see Christians I am not saying that you are wrong. All I am saying is that your God is a bit out of the picture if you will. He isn't all that interested in you or your plight. Yet you continue to act as if he is there and lose precious sleep on Sunday to absolve yourself of your sins that he couldn't care less about. I am the opposite of you. I plan on being more protocol son then loyal follower. I will slip in at the finish line and claim all your glory. Because the new God is to busy lounging to keep tabs on me. So please put away your shot guns it is almost Sunday and you have some planning to do and cross to hang from.