Monday, October 30, 2006

The Lesser Of Evils

I voted today. I am proud to say that I voted not to amend the state constitution to essentially ban gay marriage. This was the reason I rolled out of bed and voted early. But while I was there I thought what the hell I will vote for some guys as well. Then I got to thinking the state in which politics in this nation has become. We no longer vote for someone we vote against the other guy. All the adds ran this time were negative I couldn't tell you what either guy stood for all I could tell you was that both seemed to fuck up a lot. Is this what really makes people feel the need to enact their freedoms and right to vote? Here they turned the word Christian into some sort of catch all political statement. We even had a guy make a commercial while in a church. Now being Christian isn't a bad thing but what does it really have to do with running my state? See the problem here is most people don't know how to decode these commercials. If it says "he voted to give our school children the morning after pill" It does not mean that he ran around handing out abortion pills like tic-tacs. It probably means that he just voted to let it remain over the counter. Or if the add says "He hired illegal aliens to save money" It probably means that in a company that employs a few thousand people one or two people settling for less pay and poor work conditions slipped through the crack. I tell you where is the candidate that I can get behind? Where is the JFK of my generation, you know someone you support. Maybe I am just being overly optimistic, but hey don't I deserve the best man money can buy? This is why while sitting in the booth I had an epiphany and I voted for the third guy. The guy to poor to run an ad. Some say I threw my vote away but I call it civil disobedience. So there you go folks the answer to today's politics vote for "the other guy."